Deep-tissue massage exactly where you need it.
Painful knots? Not anymore.
Working from home with bad posture, "mouse shoulder", chronic back pain, sports injuries, or just tight muscles are no match for the Thorex massager.

Deep Tissue Massage
The design of our wheels along with your body weight will dig in to get rid of those painful knots and tight muscles.
Targeted Areas
Our designer is a doctor of physical therapy who knows exactly where to hit the most painful muscle groups.
Spine Alignment
Our design will spread pressure over a larger area, improving your posture, re-aligning your spine, and help alleviate chronic pressure.
Quality & Design
This is no "cheap toy". The Thorex is a tank! It's extremely durable, and built to last. You can literally drive over this with your truck. Seriously!
"Mouse Shoulder"
If you use a mouse with your computer regularly, you know exactly where it hurts... right around your 'scapula'.
A few minutes with this bad boy a couple times a week, and you'll forget how much your muscles used to bother you.